Brand Ambassador Interviews - find out more about Ruth, her horses & showing tips

Brand Ambassador Interviews - find out more about Ruth, her horses & showing tips


Please can you firstly tell us a bit about your lovely horses ?

I own two horses - Morag my 3 year old highland pony and Adam, my Anglo Arab. I’ve had Adam for 12 years and Morag joined us when she was about 18 months.  

Then there is Ruairi who has been in my care for 2.5 years. He is 9 years old and my main competition pony. He’s the beautiful, hairy, flying carpet you see me riding in lots of my photos😊

At what age did you start riding ?

I started riding at 5 at my local riding stables ‘Dittiscombe Equestrian Centre’ and continued to ride there up until I was around 21. I still go there for lessons sometimes too.

We know that you have made your career in horses, what services do you offer ?

I offer quite a range of services. My main bulk of work is having horses in on full livery for backing and schooling. Then I fill my diary up around that with freelance services in the local area. Usually including schooling, hacking, teaching and clipping.

Where are you based ?

I am based in the South East area of Cornwall right next to the coast. It’s a beautiful area, and I have amazing hacking!


Ruth and Morag


What disciplines(s) do you compete in?

My main discipline is showing. I mainly compete in M&M classes but looking to dip my toe back into riding horse/hack/senior classes this summer with Adam.

Ruairi has been doing some working hunter but I am focusing more on his flat showing this season.

I do as much Dressage as I can, especially with the babies that come to me for experience in the ring, then have fun playing over some show jumps every now and then! I’m quite happy to give most things a go!

Adam is the reason I got into showing. He never took to Dressage as he became very anxious when in the arena on his own. Most of the time he’d be making guinea pig noises down the centre line. Showing suited him and that’s why I perused it.

What is your biggest horsey achievement?

For me this is quite difficult! So I’ll whittle it down to 3 because I just can’t choose! Firstly it would be rehabbing Adam through kissing spine, did in his coffin joints, SI problems and ulcers. To see this horse come through all of that and still enjoy life and look great is the nicest feeling. I have had him for 12 years, so feel incredibly proud to say I’ve managed it!

Competing Ruairi at county level and feeling him enjoy himself is probably right up there on my achievements. I’m proud to have won Royal Cornwall M&M Reserve Champion. That was a really great feeling!

What are your aims for the rest of this year? 

Ruairi is currently having a weekly lesson ready for the NPS championships. We are going to have a go at our first HOYS qualifier when we are up there, so plenty to brush up on!

Morag will be continuing her ground work in preparation to be backed.

Adam will be dipping in and out of the circuit when I have time. I’m also being careful not to go over board with him, as it’s taken such a long time to get him right!

Ruth and Adam

What advice would you give someone to get their horse used to the show ring atmosphere?

This probably all depends on the size of the show, but local shows id say the most important thing is being in the arena with other horses. So either having shared lessons or schooling with friends is beneficial. Getting the horse to work around the horses happily and quietly.

When you start to go to bigger shows, things like arena banners, tannoys and arena props are really common. I school all of mine around loads of different scary bits anyway. My jumps rarely go away! Using fly rugs on the arena fence is a good impersonation of a banner!

So what product can you not live without ?  

I can’t live without - any sort of hair polish!! Whether this is a more specific product that I use in the show ring, or my everyday stuff, it’s seriously helpful to keep all that hair on the highlands looking nice!

I use pig oil at home, and a range of different products when out. It mostly depends on the weather conditions on the day! But mostly Supreme Products and Equixtreme. 

             Ruth and Morag demonstrating EquiXtreme

What is your daily routine with your horses ?

Most of the year they live out 24/7. This is purely because I have happier horses by doing so. During the winter and the horrible Cornish weather, they will come in by night but 90% of the time they are out.

All horses are checked first thing, and depending on whether I am out freelancing that day, I either then shoot out to teach or ride, or start working on the babies at home. Not one of my days are the same! Most days I ride between 5-6 horses which is usually my maximum with all the driving I have to do in between.

Ruairi is worked a few days a week during the season to ensure he doesn’t become sour and bored.

Adam does little and often to keep him supple and the babies do something most days. Whether that is hacking or schooling 😊

Ruth and Ruairi

We know you are such a massive fan of Highland ponies - what is it about the breed you love so much?

I love their lovely nature. They are very intelligent and actually quite sensitive. Although they are often looked at as RDA ponies (which they are fantastic at!) they can be great athletic alrounders 😊


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